The City of Alamo Heights provides On-line Services for Utility Account, Trade and Repair Permits, Contractor Licenses and Traffic Citations. This service allows you to access your account and view detailed information through a secured access point. This services offers customers 24/7 access and the option to pay online via credit card. Visa and MasterCard accepted. ***Higher than normal loading times may occur. DO NOT refresh or reload payment pages***
All payments made after 4:00 p.m. will be credited to the account the next business day.
Utility Billing Information
You a can view your Water/Sewer bill or update your account information by just clicking here. There is no fee to pay or set up an online account. It is fast, convenient and easy. You have access to financial information (current due, last payment, amount past due, contract information, etc.), address information, transaction information (with copies of statements), and consumption information. To sign-up all you need is your account number, driver's license number and an email address.
Municipal Court Information
You may pay your traffic ticket/citation through mail, in person or online. Only certain Alamo Heights Municipal Court tickets/citations may be viewed or paid online. Paying online counts as a plea of not contest and will result in a conviction being entered on your record. Do not pay online if you are requesting defensive driving. Only Class C misdemeanors can be paid through this online process and only for offenders 17 years or older at the time of the offense. No alcohol or tobacco offense can be paid online.
Permits and License Registration
Effective immediately, the City will be accepting and processing building permit, licensing, certificates of occupancy, and other building related applications and inspections through My Government Online. To submit a new application and/or to create your account, please visit Should you need additional assistance in creating your account, please call the My Government Online Help Desk at 1-866-957-3764.
Please email or call 210-826-0516 for questions regarding existing licensing/projects.
Welcome to our online payments website.
Welcome to our online payments website.